Sunday, November 2, 2014

Oh Deer! What a Halloween

Remember my post about how I wasn't much a fan of Halloween anymore? I take it back! I had a blast on Halloween. I didn't spend a penny on my costume, but I loved the way the makeup turned out. Usually I struggle with even my daily eyeliner routine but on Friday night, I managed to pull off the deer makeup look I found on Pinterest pretty well. I think I even perfected the deer-in-headlights look! 
My roommate went as a friendly space alien. Isn't she adorable? Like my costume, hers was made of pieces she already had in her closet and some cool makeup ideas found on Pinterest. 

We had fun posing in our room for pictures before the party we went to. Even the party was more fun than I anticipated; we sipped apple cider and danced to fun music and, on a night with more parties on campus than I could keep track of, saw a lot more friends in one place than we expected! Did your Halloween live up to (or surpass) your expectations? Did you dress up or at least eat some candy in honor of the holiday? I know I did.

And, of course, what's the fun in dressing up as a deer without one picture of road kill?

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